
We are pleased that you have chosen to be part of the GREAT team! GREAT Theatre has become a leader not only within the arts community but within the greater St. Cloud community as a whole. We know our success as an organization is fueled by the collective contributions of everyone involved. As a people first organization, we value the experience for our employees, artists, and volunteers as much as the experiences we are creating together for our audiences and participants. It is our hope that while working with GREAT you have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally while being valued and respected.

The purpose of this guide is a shared understanding of expectations for employees, contract artists, and volunteers – both what they can expect from GREAT and what the organization expects from them as part of the team. Team members, as referenced throughout this document, consists of GREAT staff, contract artists, and volunteers. If at any time you need clarification or more detailed information please contact your supervisor.

Who We Are & What we Believe

Great River Educational Arts Theatre (GREAT) brings the community together through shared theatre experiences.

We ensure everyone in Central Minnesota will have access to the transformative power of the arts.

We believe in: 

  • Building life skills and fostering personal growth through quality arts education.
  • Eliciting joy, empathy and self-discovery through live theatre experiences.
  • Telling the stories of our community.
  • Creating social connections and civic engagement through volunteerism.
  • Cultivating a culture of equity, accessibility and inclusion.

Our Brand
At GREAT Theatre, we invite people to be part of the story to build a more vibrant community, celebrate differences, and create a sense of belonging. We enrich lives and build lasting connections by challenging, educating, entertaining, and inspiring through theatrical storytelling experiences.

We are:

  • CREATIVE We are creative in our activities, how we solve problems, and how we interact with others to create meaningful connections.
  • GENUINE We embrace vulnerability, listen to others, express gratitude, and take pride in working with our community.
  • WELCOMING We create a sense of belonging by being friendly and cultivating relationships in a casual and inviting atmosphere. 
  • COLLABORATIVE We unite people, organizations, and resources from throughout the community toward a shared vision for our future.
  • THOUGHTFULLY BOLD We seek to inspire change and explore new opportunities while being committed to quality. 


Our Strategic Priorities 
By 2026, GREAT will….

  1. Regain financial stability with a sustainable operating model
    Full recovery from the pandemic will take multiple years as pre-pandemic revenues catch up with post-pandemic expenses. Putting people first and addressing inequities that exist both within the arts industry as well as society as whole is an investment deeply connected to our diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility commitment. As we work to fully recover and keep building back better, continued support by our community – as ticket buyers, donors, and as advocates connecting more people to GREAT – will be key to our continued success in transforming lives, and our community, through the power of the arts.
  2. Increase outreach educational opportunities for youth
    Building off what fueled GREAT’s first twenty five years, we are committed to continued growth for our education and outreach programming. It’s through these opportunities that many youth are introduced to theatre for the first time. These experiences cultivate collaboration and teamwork, enrich social emotional skills, build confidence, increase a sense of hope for the future, develop empathy, and foster self-discovery. As our future leaders, access to theatre arts opportunities today build life skills that are critical to shaping our community’s future. 
  3. Broaden the integration of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility efforts throughout our operations.
    We’re committed to truly shifting the dynamic on HOW we work so that every person involved with the organization will have agency and feel welcomed, included, seen, heard and valued for the full spectrum of their humanity. Beyond examining or exploring what is and what could and should be, we are focused on the real work of implementing identified changes needed in practices, organization culture, and policies as we equitably deliver on valuing the audience, volunteer, and employee experiences. We’re continuing to move from believing to doing.
  4. Grow our role as a leader in theatre arts and in our community
    GREAT Theatre has become a leader not only within the arts community but within the greater St. Cloud community as a whole and we envision have an even greater role. We are committed to maintaining the quality of productions to meet & exceed audience expectations, building pathways for artists, and cultivating authentic relationships and engaging in initiatives with other community focused organizations.


Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Our Commitment to Anti-Racism
GREAT is committed to attracting and retaining employees, artists, and volunteers with varying identities. backgrounds, and lived experiences. We aspire to create a team that represents the diversity of our community while creating a space that encourages and embraces inclusiveness, equal opportunity, and respect. 

Additionally, we are committed to anti-racism through ongoing and consistent action, moving with urgency while identifying both immediate and long-term strategic actions, both as individuals and collectively as an organization. This includes, but is not limited to: 

  • examining our programming, practices, policies, and procedures that are perpetuating white supremacy within our own structures of creating art
  • listening, learning, and supporting substantive change to mobilize our art and organization to better live our mission
  • providing a space for open dialogue and continued learning
  • collaborating with and gathering input from stakeholders in our community to find ways to produce more culturally/racially diverse art
  • intentionally seeking and building relationships with people who are committed to anti-racist work

GREAT expects all employees, artists, and volunteers to positively contribute to creating a culture of equity. 

Who does what?


  • Executive Director* – Lacey Schirmers, she/her, Lacey@GREATTheatre.org
    Responsible for the overall leadership and management of GREAT reporting to the Board of the Directors; overseeing all administrative, marketing, fund development, and financial functions of the organization; and collaborating closely with the leadership team to deliver programming that advances the organization’s mission and purpose. 
  • Artistic & Education Director* – Kendra Norton Dando, she/her, Kendra@GREATTheatre.org
    Responsible for setting the artistic vision for the season of productions as well as expanding a broad range of theatre education programming in our community working to cohesively integrate education as a foundation of all programming and practices throughout the organization. Oversees directors, choreographers, music directors, and all others designers for shows as well as education staff and production assistant.  
  • Development Director* – Tim Johnson, he/him, Tim@GREATTheatre.org
    Responsible for strategy and implementation of all components of the annual giving program to expanding philanthropic support to ensure GREAT’s long-term vitality and sustainability while advancing our mission. 
  • Technical Director* – Mark Hennigs, he/him, Mark@GREATTheatre.org
    Ensures accurate construction and implementation of designs inline with artistic vision and allocated resources. Oversee scene shop staff and technicians. 
  • Engagement Manager – Keenan Roberts, he/him, Keenan@GREATTheatre.org
    Implements engagement plan for fund development and marketing, provides administrative support, leads outreach events, and supports front of the house. 
  • Finance & Database Manager – Breana Burggraff, she/her, Breana@GREATTheatre.org
    Manages patron, volunteer, and donor database, provides administrative support, manages accounting and finance functions. 
  • Volunteers & Front of House Coordinator – Jasmyn Linn, she/her, Jasmyn@GREATTheatre.org
    Provides administrative support for volunteer recruitment, screening and tracking, education programs, customer service, and coordinates front of house volunteers. 
  • Company Stage Manager & Production Assistant – Grace Wright, she/her, Grace@GREATTheatre.org
    Works in collaboration with the artistic, production, and administrative teams to assist in facilitating the overall production process from pre-season planning through strike. Serves as the primary stage manager. Oversees stage management, volunteer advocate, and volunteer crew. 
  • Education Manager – Colin Nord, he/him, ColinN@GREATTheatre.org
    Manages education programs including summer camps, partner programming, and classes. Oversees teaching artists. 
  • Costume Designer & Shop Manager – Jessica Mancini, she/her, Jessica@GREATTheatre.org
    Leads the production of costumes working closely with volunteers as well as designing costumes for 2 to 3 shows each season
  • Costume Designer & Shop Lead – Dana Svensson, she/her, Dana@GREATTheatre.org
    Leads the production of costumes working closely with volunteers as well as designing costumes for 2 to 3 shows each season
  • Costume Designer & Production Support – Risa Alecci, she/her, Risa@GREATTheatre.org
    Designs costumes for 2 to 3 shows each season, leads costume education initiatives, supports in construction of costumes as well as other areas of production such as props and paint as needed. 
  • Assistant Technical Director – Steve Sanders, he/him, Steve@GREATTheatre.org
    Works closely with TD to achieve high quality scenic construction, shop supervision and installations of set, lights, sound, special effects, projections and other technical needs.
  • Carpenter – Anthony Schrock, he/him, Anthony@GREATTheatre.org
    Works closely with TD and ATD to to achieve high quality scenic construction and manage shop supplies. 
  • Music Director – Hillary Vermillion, she/her, Hillary@GREATTheatre.org
    Resident music director and pit conductor 
  • Front of House Support – Anita Reber, she/her, AnitaR@GREATTheatre.org
    Helps in the lobby for auditions, shows, and  gives backstage tours
  • Overhire – The technical department occasionally hires carpenters and technicians on a temporary basis as needed  

*We are intentionally navigating the power dynamics at work. The Leadership Team works collaboratively to achieve the organization’s strategic direction and ensure that artistic, administrative and programmatic goals are aligned. Includes: Executive Director, Artistic & Education Director, and Technical Director. 

This includes directors, choreographers, scenic designers, lighting designers, costume designers, media designers, stage managers, assistant stage managers, ASL interpreters, volunteer advocates, and teaching artists. Some GREAT staff also fill these roles occasionally as part of or in addition to their full time position with GREAT. 


  • Board of Directors – Highest leadership body of the organization responsible for fiduciary oversight, determining mission and purpose of the organization, and selecting/evaluating the Executive Director. While day-to-day operations are led by the Executive Director, GREAT’s Board advises, governs, oversees policy and direction, and assists with the leadership, growth, and promotion of GREAT to support its mission. Board members are elected by the board and serve three year terms, up to three terms. 
  • Committee Members – Board led committees include finance, board nominating, and governance. Staff led committees include programming and fund development. 
  • Actors – Our largest pool of volunteers. All shows are cast through open auditions. Over a season we have hundreds of roles available for youth and adults. We strongly encourage actors of all races, ethnicities, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, and backgrounds to audition for our productions.  
  • Crew – Every production has crew members ages 16 and up. We provide training for all levels of experience. Roles include: Deck/Props Crew, Wardrobe Crew, Fly Rail Operators, Light Board Operator, QLab Operator, Follow Spot Operator, Child Guardian, Load In/Strike Crew
  • Shop – Help in the construction of sets and costumes. The costume shop has regular scheduled shifts while the scene shop schedules volunteers as needed. Due to safety, some relevant experience is required. 
  • Office – Assist with mailings, donor candies, and a variety of administrative projects. 
  • Greeters – Welcome patrons at the theatre for public shows and student matinees.

What Type of Team Member Am I?

Full-Time, Salaried, Exempt By Law
A full-time, salaried employee must work at least 35 hours a week. However, for the purposes of employment for GREAT Theatre, 40 hours per week is expected on average. Full-time, salaried team members qualify for all fringe benefits; however, these team members are exempt from overtime compensation. 

Full-Time, Hourly, Non-Exempt By Law
A full-time, hourly employee must work at least 35 hours a week. However, for the purposes of employment for GREAT Theatre, 40 hours per week is expected on average. Full-time, hourly team members qualify for all fringe benefits and for overtime pay equal to time-and-a-half, for every hour worked over 40 within a workweek. 

Part-Time, Hourly, Non-Exempt By Law
Those working under 35 hours a week are designated as part-time. These team members are not eligible for benefits. 

Those who are not regularly scheduled and work varying schedules based on needs of the organization. These team members are not eligible for benefits. 

Contract Artist/Independent Contractors
Consultants and artists who are hired to work only for a specified period of time or for a specific project. Temporary or seasonal team members are not eligible to receive fringe benefits. GREAT does not withhold taxes on the earnings of a person who is working as an independent contractor. 

Though not paid by GREAT as a team member, volunteers are expected to adhere to all theatre policies. Volunteers should refer to our volunteer code of conduct for specific information regarding policies and procedures.

The GREAT Experience

We are committed to collaboration and believe diverse perspectives make our work stronger. All team members are accountable to each other to deliver on the responsibilities and commitments of their role. We encourage curiosity to understand the why behind choices and decisions and likewise expect team members to be respectfully open and considerate of others’ perspectives. We strive to not be complacent with the status quo if possible changes are advantageous to participants, volunteers, artists, audience, staff, and/or the organization as a whole. We recognize workloads vary at any given time and are willing to both ask for help and offer help, even if it involves something beyond one person’s primary job duties.  

Noticing and Naming
If any interaction leaves you uneasy, seek clarity. We strive to be trustworthy and support one another through authentic and open communication. We understand that conflict is inevitable and an important part of growth. Our approach to conflict is to handle it directly and respectfully. We believe in naming the conflict directly with the people involved, making space to process it, listening to others perspectives, and reflecting on our response. Transparency, trust, honesty, and vulnerability are key to navigating conflict.

If you’re not sure where to take an issue, please discuss it with your direct supervisor, the Executive Director, or the President of the Board of Directors.

Education Mindset
We approach all we do from an educational mindset, meaning team members embrace an openness to both teaching and learning. We look for possibility and potential – both in others and in ourselves – recognizing we each have value to contribute as well as opportunity for personal growth. We value the process as much as the product and understand that “failure” is a part of it. How we respond and what we do with it is where learning and progress happen. There is more than one right way to learn, to teach, and to do. 

Education is embedded in who we are and all we do, and we are committed to curiosity, reflection, growth, and refining.

We make space and time for reflection because it is central to fostering an educational mindset and effective conflict resolution both as individuals and collectively as an organization. This is how we grow. There is learning in both failures and successes. What went well? What didn’t go well? What should we change for next time? 

Culture of Consent
We are committed to a culture of consent at GREAT, meaning all team members have agency and choice. Consent is not assumed, nor is silence considered consent. We operate from the place of “‘yes’ means nothing if ‘no’ is not a real option,” and “yes” and “no“ are both equally acceptable choices. Proactive and forward communication is an essential component of consent, and boundaries vary from person to person and may change moment to moment. Intentional and ongoing communication is needed in order to establish and affirm individual boundaries.

GREAT has been learning from Intimacy Directors & Coordinators (IDC) to improve processes and incorporate safer practices for theatrical intimacy in our rehearsals. All scenes with intimacy follow a specific set of staging and rehearsal protocols rooted in consent and safety for the actors. Active consent is a part of every process; do not touch without asking. We also apply these concepts to day-to-day interactions with all team members, participants, and patrons.

People are the heart of the organization and we value authentic relationships with each other. We like to like the people we spend most of our time with! It’s common for team members to spend some time catching up on their personal lives (only voluntarily sharing information of course), eating lunches together, and getting to know each other on deeper levels during work as time allows. Some team members are friends outside of GREAT, which is completely acceptable given the relationship remains appropriate while at work. We genuinely care about each other. We also balance boundaries. We recognize that boundaries vary for each person and the role that power dynamics can play. 

Kid Friendly
If a team member’s kid(s) occasionally need to come to the office or rehearsal, we welcome them! We just ask that you come prepared with snacks and activities for them. Check in with your supervisor first, and avoid forcing your team members to interact with your kid(s). 

GREAT often provides meals and snacks for team members. Some team members will bring items they’ve made or bought to share with others as well which is welcomed. If it’s on the counter in the conference room it is considered fair game. If it’s in the refrigerator, it’s likely something someone brought for themselves and not up for grabs (unless it’s leftovers from a GREAT provided meal). Everyone is responsible for throwing away their own expired food. Please note, other venues we rent do not allow homemade snacks. 

Our spaces are professionally cleaned bi-weekly. That said, we tend to be rather cluttered (we blame it on our creative brains). In our personal work spaces that is just fine but it takes everyone to keep the common spaces neat and organized. It’s good practice to leave a common space more picked up than when you entered.  And to be aware of those spaces the general public sees and doing our part to make sure it feels welcoming.


We’re an Equal Opportunity Employer
GREAT is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all qualified individuals regardless of their race; ethnicity; age; sexual orientation; gender identity; creed or religion; disability;  marital status; citizenship; national origin or ancestry; or veteran status, membership in the National Guard, state defense force, or reserves; or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to all employment practices and personnel actions. 

We Accommodate
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act, knowns as the ADAAA, are federal laws that prohibit employers with 15 or more employees from discriminating against applicants and individuals with disabilities and that when needed provide reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees who are qualified for a job, with or without reasonable accommodations, so that they may perform the essential job duties of the position. 

It is the policy of GREAT to comply with all federal and state laws concerning the employment of persons with disabilities and to act in accordance with the regulations and guidance issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Furthermore, it is our company policy not to discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in regard to application procedures, hiring, advancement, discharge, compensation, training and other terms, conditions and privileges of employment. 

GREAT will reasonably accommodate qualified individuals with a disability so that they can perform the essential functions of a job unless doing so causes a direct threat to these individuals or others in the workplace and the threat cannot be eliminated by reasonable accommodation and/or if the accommodation creates an undue hardship to GREAT. 

We Value Ethical Behavior
If you believe a GREAT policy, practice, or activity is illegal, unethical, or problematic please inform someone on the leadership team. It will be received as an investment in the organization and they will follow up. 

We Protect Confidentiality
Based on your position’s duties, you may be exposed to proprietary information about GREAT’s business, personal information of volunteers or participants, or overhear discussion among patrons, volunteers or staff. This information must be kept confidential. If team members are uncertain about whether information is confidential, they should check with their supervisor before discussing it with anyone. When discussing confidential information with appropriate people it should be done so in a private setting. Not complying with your confidentiality expectations will result in discipline including the possibility of termination of employment, contract, or volunteer role or legal action and may be held liable for any harm to the organization or other consequential damages. Except for records and information that is legally required to be provided to government agencies, no information about GREAT’s team members will be released without documented authorization by the team member or legal guardian. GREAT staff will not share contact information of volunteers with other volunteers. 

Employees and Board Members will be asked to review and sign a Confidentiality Agreement and Conflict of Interest Policy on an annual basis.

We Prohibit Harassment
GREAT Theatre is committed to providing a workplace free of harassment, regardless of whether the harassment is of a sexual nature or in reference to race, ethnicity, creed, national origin, gender identity, pregnancy, sexual orientation, marital status, sex, religion, age, military service, disability or other protected class. Any behavior that consists of unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical or visual that creates or contributes to intimidation, a hostile work environment, or a quid pro quo (this for that) relationship(s) of any kind, is absolutely prohibited and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 

Sexual Harassment
State, federal, and local laws prohibit sexual harassment. The following are some guidelines on what constitutes sexual harassment:

  • Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination based on gender
  • The harasser as well as the victim can be any gender
  • The conduct must be unwelcome to the victim of the harassment
  • Harassment can be verbal, physical, written word or pictorial
  • The victim does not have to be the person at whom the offensive conduct is directed, but can be anyone affected by the conduct

Additional Prohibited Conduct
There are two types of harassment. 

  • A tangible job action is taken or threatened. In order for a tangible job action to occur, the harasser must be in a position of power to make the decision.  We expect all managers to comply with the laws set forth above to ensure that the employees they supervise comply as well.

Examples of this type of harassment are as follows:

  • A supervisor demands sexual favors in return for a promotion or raise.
  • A hiring manager refuses to hire a qualified African-American applicant because the manager doesn’t think the applicant would fit in with the environment.
  • A manager provides special favors to an employee who grants sexual favors, excluding other, more qualified individuals.
  • A hostile environment is created. This is defined as comments or conduct that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
  • A supervisor, co-worker or non-employee can commit this type of harassment
  • Nothing tangible about the individual’s job need be affected
  • Key issues are frequency and severity
  • Reasonable person standards govern
  • Severe psychological harm is not necessary to establish violation

Examples of hostile environment harassment include: 

  • Sexually explicit propositions, sexual innuendo, suggestive comments, sexually oriented “kidding” or “teasing”
  • Practical jokes or bullying
  • Jokes about gender or racial traits, put downs of religion
  • Foul or obscene language, gestures, printed or visual material
  • Physical contact such as patting, pinching or brushing against another’s body. 
  • Intimidating, physically aggressive, or violent behavior 

Reporting/Complaint Procedure
It is nearly impossible to cite each instance that may constitute harassment. Therefore, if any team member feels that they have been or are being harassed, or have witnessed what they perceive to be a form of harassment, the instance(s) should be immediately reported to their supervisor. If the harasser is a manager/supervisor, the incident(s) should be reported to GREAT’s Executive Director. If the complaint is against the Executive Director, the team member should report the conduct directly to the President of the Board of Directors. Any manager or supervisor who is aware of any team member who has been subjected to such conduct should immediately report the conduct to the Executive Director or President of the Board of Directors. Any reported episode of harassment will be carefully reviewed and investigated promptly and, to the extent it is feasible, confidentially. Leadership will make employment and disciplinary action decisions as necessary if a person has committed an act of harassment. Retaliation against an employee who has, in good faith, reported perceived harassment will not be tolerated. An employee or manager held individually liable as a harasser is subject to the same penalties, which may be imposed upon employers under state, federal or local law.

Safety and Emergency
Each one of us holds a responsibility to conduct all tasks in a safe and efficient manner complying with all local, state, and federal safety and health regulations; program standards; and any special safety concerns for a particular location or venue. Although most safety regulations are consistent throughout each department and program, each person has the responsibility to identify and familiarize themselves with the emergency plan for their working area. All employees , as well as contracted Stage Managers and Teaching Artists, should know the location of the first aid kit, latex gloves, fire extinguishers, evacuation plan and emergency exits, and the proper procedure for using these resources. Failure to follow company safety and health guidelines or engaging in conduct that places the employee, client or company property at risk can lead to employee disciplinary action and/or termination. 

  • FIRE and POLICE EMERGENCIES – Must first be reported via 911 and then immediately reported to the Executive Director or another person on the Leadership team.  
  • ACCIDENT and INCIDENT REPORT – It is the responsibility of the team member to report each safety and health infraction that occurs to their supervisor immediately and an Accident and Incident Report completely as soon as possible.
  • FIRE and TORNADO – When weather conditions warrant, team members and audiences will be advised to take cover. This should always be as far away from a window as possible. In case of fire, an alarm will sound and everyone in the building will be advised to evacuate.
  • INCLEMENT WEATHER – If a team member feels there is risk or does not have the means to get to work, they have the right to make a judgment call to use PTO or work from home pending a supervisor’s permission. In the instance when weather conditions are so severe that the decision is made not to open or hold a performance, announcements will be made as soon as possible. 
  • LOSS PREVENTION, BUILDING ACCESS, and OUR STUFF – GREAT maintains a security system to protect the premises from fire, unlawful entry, and theft. Employees, teaching artists, and stage managers will be provided details of this system from their supervisor. Team members must respect the property of patrons, other team members, and GREAT. Stolen, lost, or damaged personal property will not be the responsibility of GREAT. Intentional or negligent damage to or theft of property may result in termination. Team members must immediately report any property damage or loss. Bypassing, ignoring, or overriding security procedures or allowing unauthorized access to others may result in immediate termination. Team members should not be inside of the building for non work related purposes without prior approval.

Work Comp
Worker’s compensation may apply in the event an injury is sustained while working for GREAT or while on theatre property. GREAT complies with applicable Workers’ Compensation Laws. In emergency situations, do not hesitate to call 911 immediately and seek medical attention. In all other situations coordinate treatment with the Production Director and/or Executive Director. Written reports should include names, dates, detailed description of what happened, and actions taken. All injuries incurred while a team member is on GREAT time must be reported as soon as possible by completing the Injury/Accident form and must be turned into the Production Director within that business day. 

Failure to timely report an accident may affect your future rights, so any injury, no matter how minor, must be reported within 24 hours. Discussion of any accidents with people other than your supervisor or GREAT worker’s compensation administrator without first getting permission from the worker’s compensation administrator is not permitted. GREAT has zero tolerance for fraud. 

In the event of volunteer or patron accidents and injuries, do not hesitate to call 911 immediately and seek medical attention. The Executive Director and Production Director must be notified of a volunteer or patron incident as soon as the situation is discovered. Proper documentation of the event must also be recorded and any injured persons who require immediate hospital care should be referred to the nearest facility.

Substance Abuse
It is our intent to provide a drug-free, safe and secure work environment. Team members should report to work fit for duty and free of any adverse effects of illegal drugs or alcohol. Team members may not possess, distribute, use or be impaired by illegal drugs, be intoxicated, or be impaired by or abuse their legal prescription medicine while working or participating in GREAT functions. This policy does not prohibit employees from lawful use and possession of prescribed medications. Employees must, however, consult with their doctors about the medications’ effect on their fitness for duty and ability to work safely and promptly disclose any work restrictions to their supervisor. Team members must inform their supervisor if they observe behavior that suggests impairment. 

Illegal drug use and alcohol misuse have a number of adverse health and safety consequences. In the instances of identified alcohol and/or drug use in the workplace, GREAT will assist and support employees who voluntarily seek help for such problems before becoming subject to discipline and/or termination under this or other policies. Such employees may be allowed to use accrued paid time off, placed on leaves of absence, referred to treatment providers and otherwise accommodated as required by law. Such employees may be required to document that they are successfully following prescribed treatment and to take and pass follow-up tests if they hold jobs that are safety sensitive or that require driving or if they have violated this policy previously.

Professional Conduct with Minors
We are a safe space ensuring all youth are safeguarded from physical, sexual and emotional harm while participating with GREAT.  As adults it is our collective responsibility to create a positive atmosphere. We should lead by example and show understanding when dealing with sensitive issues that may arise, recognizing that thoughtfulness and intentionality are required. 

To protect both youth and adults, there should always be at least two adults present in all interactions with youth. Team members may not contact minors beyond contracted activities unless the minor’s parent or guardian supports such contact. Telephone calls, emails, letters, and any other correspondence with minors, which are not necessary for or related to education activities, are not permitted.

Fraternization with minors such as encouragement of an inappropriate personal relationship inside or outside the GREAT, including on social media, is not permitted. 

Permission will be sought from parents/guardians for the use of photography/video featuring minors for external promotional or internal production purposes. No photography of any kind will be allowed in dressing rooms or other changing areas. All performers are advised of undergarments that will make them comfortable when changing backstage or in the dressing rooms as well as the private space designated for changing into undergarments. 

Mandated Reporting
A mandated reporter must first alert their supervisor and then call authorities immediately, but no later than 24 hours after they suspect that maltreatment may have occurred. A report can be made to your local county social service agency or to law enforcement. The mandated reporter must follow up with a written report within 72 hours.  If it is an emergency, call the police at 911.  

Background Checks
GREAT requires all team members over the age of 18 to complete a background check every three years. This will include a federal, state, and sexual assault review. If any party reveals a criminal history they may not be selected to work or volunteer with GREAT depending on the relatedness of the event with the required responsibilities of the role. Background checks are administered electronically through a third party. The Executive Director is the only person authorized to review reports. 

Media Requests
Team members serve as liaisons with the community in their daily interactions with the general public. Official statements, including press releases, issued on behalf of the theatre need to be approved by the Executive Director. When in doubt, media representatives should be referred to the Engagement Manager who will coordinate with the designated team members within the organization. Any other team member who is approached by a member of the media in any form should decline to answer questions or to be interviewed and should refer the media to the Executive Director.

Political Contributions/Activities
GREAT Theatre respects and encourages team member participation in political activities, but not on behalf of, or as a representative of the organization. As part of its IRS 501(c)3 designation, we do not participate in political affairs, especially in regard to support of a particular candidate for public office. 

Sharing Online
GREAT recognizes the value of online social media tools for connecting with donors, patrons, staff, and volunteers. In order to ensure the theatre maintains a professional image and to protect the safety and privacy of others, all team members must abide by the following expectations when using social media for work or personal purposes. Leadership will make employment and disciplinary action decisions as necessary. 

Using Social Media for Work Purposes:
GREAT social media pages are created and maintained by designated staff, as determined by the Executive Director. Use of social media for business purposes is allowed if it fits within the employees job description. Team members should refrain from using social media and email for excessive personal use while working or volunteering and it shouldn’t interfere with their responsibilities. Team members are not to publish, post or release any information that is considered confidential or not public. Viewing sites that are pornographic or sexual in nature or that espouse a discriminatory viewpoint are not permitted.

Using Social Media for Personal Purposes
Many team members maintain individual pages on social media sites to connect with friends and family. Team members should be aware that others may observe content and should not post anything that is harmful to GREAT, team members, or customers. Posting videos or photos that include other team members taken during theatre activities must be done so with their consent. No photography of any kind will be allowed in dressing rooms or other changing areas. 

Serving Alcohol
GREAT serves beer and wine during some shows at the Helgeson Learning Lab Theatre. Employees working concessions are required to verify that patrons purchasing or consuming alcohol are of legal age. We do not sell, provide, or serve alcohol to persons who are intoxicated or are exhibiting symptoms of intoxication. Team members who have any questions as to whether a person is intoxicated should refuse to serve the person any additional alcoholic beverages. All team members are encouraged to contact their direct supervisor any time they have concerns over inappropriate alcohol consumption by patrons, volunteers or staff members. 

Using Phones
Team members often use their cell phones for personal use and for business purposes. Volunteers and contract artists can opt in to sharing their phone numbers with other team members. Employees are expected to share their phone numbers with each other, any additional sharing is voluntary. Contract stage managers for production purposes are required to share their phone number with the design team and cast. 

Care and Use of Equipment and Supplies
You are responsible for equipment used in performing your work and it should be used for work purposes only. Any damage or failure of this equipment is to be reported to your supervisor. GREAT is not responsible for damage to personal equipment. 

Healthy Air
People who smoke are encouraged to observe a distance of at least ten feet from the main entrance and six feet from all other entrances and exits. 

What to Wear
There is no formal dress code at GREAT. Generally speaking we are very casual.